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Susil - 10-15-2015

3:40pm and other "Concerned" folk,The Andronico's red herring tutoed by a few bitter old-timers was a non-starter. The lease costs on the private property would have eaten up the entire library reserve in just a few years.The $1,100/square foot nonsense has also been raised before. The library building costs 25,500,000. Divide that by 42,000 square feet and the cost is $607 per square foot. That includes architectural fees, the building, and furniture, fixtures and equipment. The parking lot is public parking for the library, Civic Park, the Community Center and downtown. Even when the library is closed, people will be parking there to visit downtown. It is not fair to include that cost in the square-footage cost of the library. AND, spare us the silly statements about City employees parking in that garage and "waddling" over to City Hall to work. City employees park in Broadway or North Locust garages but are not invited to the parking lot under the library. Further, most of the parking lot cost was taken from the fund for downtown parking raised from parking meter and parking lot fees. Imagine using parking fees to create more parking. Isn't that appropriate?Finally, a portion of the project was for landscaping that leads people from downtown into Civic Park. It will be a very popular place to visit and relax.

Caller: marta aka Lola777
Number: 201-297-5823