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202-241-7470 > New Comment

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Pat - 08-22-2014

I got a call from a "David Johnson with the Crime Fraud Department" at this phone number. His grammar was horrible and his Indian accent was so think I could barely understand him. These Idiots call me about one a year. I called him back 7 times and finally when he spoke to me I told him that he better say that he is calling me in a fraudulent way and if he does admit it, I will not report him to the Police department, FBI and track him down. He finely said ok and hung up. Fraudulent cowards!!!! Last time I reported them to my local police department and the calls all of a sudden stopped of course I continued to call them as many times as possible for 3 days and they finally said that they where going to file criminal charges if I don't stop calling. LOL!!!!! Also they have the ability to call from multiple phone numbers and if you call back enough times it will say the phone number is no longer in services but wait a few hours and then try to call back and the phone number will be back in service and harass them as many times as you want. Great to prank call!!! They might have the last 4 of your SSN and that worried me at first but I never received any fraudulent activity on my credit report although my credit is not the best and it is always good to monitor your credit.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: David Johnson
Company: Crime Fraud Department
Number: 202-241-7470