This person calls after you have made a Payday Loan. They cruise through files that are supposed to be secured and call youu saying that you owe them money on an unpaid loan. He has a heavy Middle Eastern accent and a bad attitude. If you ask to speak to a manager or another person, it is the same voice with different tones. The "other person's" name was Kevin.
Don't give any information to this person. We called the company that the actual loan was for and they told us that this guy is a scammer.
This person calls after you have made a Payday Loan. They cruise through files that are supposed to be secured and call youu saying that you owe them money on an unpaid loan. He has a heavy Middle Eastern accent and a bad attitude. If you ask to speak to a manager or another person, it is the same voice with different tones. The "other person's" name was Kevin.
Don't give any information to this person. We called the company that the actual loan was for and they told us that this guy is a scammer.
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Glen Parker
Company: First State Attorney
Number: 209-498-0509