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216-454-5960 > New Comment

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Griff - 11-25-2014

Standard scam attempt to run a check fraud. Offered to send agent with cashiers check to pick up a $300 amp. You know the drill, cash the check, give the shill the amp and part of the money (supposedly to cover HIS end for doing the pickup). Then in about two weeks after the bogus check gets done bouncing around the globe you get charged back for the amount of the check, your stuff is gone and this camel effer is off somewhere laughing at stupid Americans. Well If I ever get MY hands on the little greasy bastard he'll laugh out his @ss#ole, becasue that's EXACTLY where I'm gonna stuff his HEAD!

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Armen Jeghelian
Company: i have no idea
Number: 216-454-5960