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248-850-3828 > New Comment

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HBS - 07-10-2014

I to had this company clean the carpet in my house...I was told they would come back if spots came back...I was NOT told about any fee...I then signed for service to b done. (they didn't tell me about small print). I left to pick up my son..(husband was home)...all they had to move was couch and love seat...15 minutes later I saw them leaving when I was pulling onto my street...spots came back. they tried to tell me there is a fee for returned service...I cleaned the carpet myself...water was black three days after they supposable cleaned my carpet...they go by Quality carpet...Home cleaning service...numbers are 248-850-3828.....248-677-6846...needless to say I could and did a better job myself...I paid them 90.00 to find out how good I am!

Company: Home cleaning Services
Number: 248-850-3828