CRAIGSLIST SCAM, this number definitely seems to be used by a craigslist scammer. He wanted us to send $200 just so he could send the keys and documents to a house to us. When I said we wouldn't pay $200 just to look inside a home, he asked how much we were willing to pay, and tried to assure us that it was a legit shipping fee. We are looking for a place to rent and put out a craigslist ad, got an email about this house, called this number, got a connection message like with a collect call, guy with a foreign accent answered, weird scrambling noises in the background the whole time. SCAM.
CRAIGSLIST SCAM, this number definitely seems to be used by a craigslist scammer. He wanted us to send $200 just so he could send the keys and documents to a house to us. When I said we wouldn't pay $200 just to look inside a home, he asked how much we were willing to pay, and tried to assure us that it was a legit shipping fee. We are looking for a place to rent and put out a craigslist ad, got an email about this house, called this number, got a connection message like with a collect call, guy with a foreign accent answered, weird scrambling noises in the background the whole time. SCAM.
Number: 281-606-5244