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301-892-8407 > New Comment

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Chris - 11-18-2014

My cousin received a similar phone call today. He told her she owed approximately $1800 in back taxes. Moreover, he told her the IRS had attempted to send out multiple notifications by certified mail, all of them sent back because she did not sign for them. He didn't even have the correct address. In addition, the call was placed to her cellular number, which is absurd, because she doesn't even use that number when she files her taxes; she uses her home phone number. He attempted to take a credit card payment as well, which no IRS agent will do, because they have a specific payment processors ( Told her to get his badge number and to call the IRS for verification, because I am fairly certain this is a scam. If you have had a similar problem, here is how you report it to the IRS: It would also be good to report it to your state attorney general at the FTC.

Caller type: Other
Company: Claims to be the IRS
Number: 301-892-8407