This person is pulling a scam where they text a person who is selling something on Craigslist, they say I'll take it even though they live 3000 miles away. They then send you a bad check for the amount plus shipping fees. They then try to talk you into sending back the shipping fees, before the check clears, or doesn't clear. This is clearly mail fraud and I don't know why the police aren't stopping it. I am approached by a different person at least twice a week with the same scam. It's very annoying to have someone trying to rob me constantly. They must be succeeding now and then or they wouldn't be doing it over and over. I just hate being reminded repeatedly that the world is full of scum. So please beware,thanks.
This person is pulling a scam where they text a person who is selling something on Craigslist, they say I'll take it even though they live 3000 miles away. They then send you a bad check for the amount plus shipping fees. They then try to talk you into sending back the shipping fees, before the check clears, or doesn't clear. This is clearly mail fraud and I don't know why the police aren't stopping it. I am approached by a different person at least twice a week with the same scam. It's very annoying to have someone trying to rob me constantly. They must be succeeding now and then or they wouldn't be doing it over and over. I just hate being reminded repeatedly that the world is full of scum. So please beware,thanks.
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 315-665-2896