he put adds on Craigslist looking for house cleaner, pay you in advance saying the rest of the money is for shopping, and when you get the check $1952 he will say deposit to your account and get the 1 month advance payment of $400 for you.. the rest for the shopping suppose to be!! he will then say instead of shopping, his wife will do the shopping instead, then just send the money to Robert Love in Kansas, bastard!! DON'T SEND IT!!!!!! after they get the money the check that you deposited in your account will bounce..leaving you deft. scammer!! JAMES GORDON-SCAMMER!!!
he put adds on Craigslist looking for house cleaner, pay you in advance saying the rest of the money is for shopping, and when you get the check $1952 he will say deposit to your account and get the 1 month advance payment of $400 for you.. the rest for the shopping suppose to be!! he will then say instead of shopping, his wife will do the shopping instead, then just send the money to Robert Love in Kansas, bastard!! DON'T SEND IT!!!!!! after they get the money the check that you deposited in your account will bounce..leaving you deft. scammer!! JAMES GORDON-SCAMMER!!!
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 336-505-8365