as soon as answered, and asked my name, they hung up! WTF? By reading a forum using the number that appeared on call display, I'm not the first person that this has happened to!
The number is 416 020 8585! If this number appears on your call display, do not answer! One person stated that someone may be calling using this number to gather information that the number is is use for later purposes, and when I say that, I'm sure that it's not good!
as soon as answered, and asked my name, they hung up! WTF? By reading a forum using the number that appeared on call display, I'm not the first person that this has happened to!
The number is 416 020 8585! If this number appears on your call display, do not answer! One person stated that someone may be calling using this number to gather information that the number is is use for later purposes, and when I say that, I'm sure that it's not good!
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 416-020-8585