I have checked this number. It has been used by two guys, Chris Randall and Anson Williams, located in Campbell County, Virginia. The telephone carrier is: YMax Communications Corporation of Virginia - VA Here is the link to complaints board about this carrier: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/ymax-communications-corp-las-vegas-nevada-c120675.html You can post your complaint there. You can also do a search on Campbell County Property Appraiser for these birds, you can get their address there, if they do not live under a rock. You can send also complaint to Campbell County Sheriff Office. Or, you can send them flowers :) . Or, have UPS deliver them an excrement (sh*t) in a gift package.
Read more at http://www.callercenter.com/434-993-1105.html#b1HXxl73KYtKx3Vz.99
I have checked this number. It has been used by two guys, Chris Randall and Anson Williams, located in Campbell County, Virginia. The telephone carrier is: YMax Communications Corporation of Virginia - VA Here is the link to complaints board about this carrier: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/ymax-communications-corp-las-vegas-nevada-c120675.html You can post your complaint there. You can also do a search on Campbell County Property Appraiser for these birds, you can get their address there, if they do not live under a rock. You can send also complaint to Campbell County Sheriff Office. Or, you can send them flowers :) . Or, have UPS deliver them an excrement (sh*t) in a gift package.
Read more at http://www.callercenter.com/434-993-1105.html#b1HXxl73KYtKx3Vz.99
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 434-993-1105