This is actually a lower your credit card rate type of phone call. The operators are very rude and they will insult you if you dare to take them out of the script with a question they don't have an answer for. I let the call go thru just to see what was all about. The bottom line is that you don't want to answer and if you have the ability please go ahead and block that number, you're not losing anything but a headache and disrespectful operators.
This is actually a lower your credit card rate type of phone call. The operators are very rude and they will insult you if you dare to take them out of the script with a question they don't have an answer for. I let the call go thru just to see what was all about. The bottom line is that you don't want to answer and if you have the ability please go ahead and block that number, you're not losing anything but a headache and disrespectful operators.
Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 507-877-4741