Claims to be boss of april johnson from hhs had an ad in Michigan craigslist looking for room to rent. Never asked how much i was asking and sent a check i could see was bogus no return address on envelope but says north Carolina i disposed if the check Im not going to jail over someones scam. U can see some broken english and poor spelling for someone in this field. Both this number and the april number has been found in scams 9193356938 which is a n.c number thru google
Claims to be boss of april johnson from hhs had an ad in Michigan craigslist looking for room to rent. Never asked how much i was asking and sent a check i could see was bogus no return address on envelope but says north Carolina i disposed if the check Im not going to jail over someones scam. U can see some broken english and poor spelling for someone in this field. Both this number and the april number has been found in scams 9193356938 which is a n.c number thru google
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 512-931-1085