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561-689-9015 > New Comment

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Shawn - 04-23-2012

Just received a call from (825) 000-3228, saynig they're from Card Services.These numbers/calls are irritating and seems like they just keep coming and coming and coming without any means of stopping them. Well, I at least found a way to slow them down.By accident I didn’t hang up the phone immediately, and then I realized that they were still on the line wanting me to hang-up. It seems like something within their system doesn’t allow them to hang up the phone. As long as the line is active, they have an opportunity to get info. It’s probably set this way so that the callers must make every effort to obtain the desired info.I spent an additional 4-5 minutes and the woman on the line seemed very irritated. Now I know this didn’t help me getting less calls, but it does offer some satisfaction on two accounts. First, I got some pleasure in it, and then it was less time they could spend trying this with others.Your caller might be different, or they may have a different system, but I think it's worth a try. Hope all reads this and repeats the process. It might not end their schemes, but it might slow them down.Good Luck ! ! !PS Under no circumstances, don't give any information to them!!!!!!!

Company: National Financial Systems
Number: 561-689-9015