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Diana sick of harassing calls - 10-29-2012

received 33 calls from this company so far today... female said her name was Jan Evans (heavy Arabic accent), another female Kim (heavy Arabic accent), another female Shania (heavy Arabic accent again) and the rest were a male sounded like same one each time (heavy Arabic accent) said they were from Customer offers, payday loans, they usually say company name so fast you don’t hear it and when asked to repeat their name or company name they hang up or start their sales pitch. Calls started from 8 am until 8 pm got calls from same company from other numbers.. total calls from this company from all the numbers they called me from 32 so far... they keep telling me they will remove my number.. but as soon as i hang up with one rep they call me from one of the other numbers with in 5 minutes calls stop for about half an hour then same numbers keep calling me back….. 8012107117, 5618292170, 9712089936, 8885991720, 2596063249, 9655728373, 4572837358 and a few numbers that come up unkown. After heavy research on line all calls come from Tamil Nadu, Gujrat, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Jkarkhand. (All cities in India) Sick of these calls..when they call they keep offering me info to go back to school or loans... i dont do any of this stuff on line have 4 great colleges in my area and lots of local banks if i was going to do any of this stuff.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 561-829-2170