Unsolicited porn txt spam from this nuber rec'd ~2:20am 5/26/15, "My bedroom has a very interesting ceiling. I'm easy........but it looks like you are hard. Text back".
How about not disturbing people at 2:30 in the morning w/your unsolicited and anno porn garbage, eh Ms. 547-725-1684???
Unsolicited porn txt spam from this nuber rec'd ~2:20am 5/26/15, "My bedroom has a very interesting ceiling. I'm easy........but it looks like you are hard. Text back".
How about not disturbing people at 2:30 in the morning w/your unsolicited and anno porn garbage, eh Ms. 547-725-1684???
Caller type: Other
Caller: 547-725-1684
Company: Unkn Text Porn SpammerFrontier North Inc managed by Verizon North Inc
Number: 574-725-1684