FREE: MyCallBot Caller ID for Android

602-354-3117 > New Comment

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DamagedGoods - 08-25-2010

70 calls in 2 weeks...Criminally tortuous and insane not to mention brainless...I changed my ans mach message and added the three tones (this number is no longer in service) before my message leaving a good 2 second delay between tones and message.. Down to one to two calls every other day. Btw, this is exactly how the $40 Telezapper works. I'll take free, thank you...You can find the triple tones here... Click the blue "this" in the red paragraph. The triple tones fool their predictive dialers into thinking they dialed a disconnected number and removes it from their list. Also, screaming at them in a foreign language worked good for 2 companies. Good luck with complaining to any government angency. You have a much better chance of meeting ET...Hope this helps...Btw, please pass this info around. Let em spend a few million on some more technology. A lost dollar is still a lost dollar

Number: 602-354-3117