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pissedoffmom - 09-14-2014

So I responded to an add on craigslist about a puppy needing a home. The woman was heartbroken to have to rehome her animals. Our dog passed away after 13 years and we were ready to start looking and fell in love with this puppy. My children were excited and we were on our way to helping a dog get a new home. So she texts me yesterday and my heart sunk I realized she was a scammer. She asked me what I knew about dog vitamins etc. SHe then sent me a link for Garcinia Cambogia and stated that this puppy needed that. Its for people... so she then says if you dont have it I can drop it off and when your done call me and I will bring the puppy by. She is a heartless bitch for stringing me along for a week

Caller type: Scammer
Number: 605-853-8999