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Rachel - 04-23-2010

I recived 7 phone calls in 7 minutes from (619) 865-4542. I did not recognize the number so I didnt answer until the 7th time they called. I couldn’t understand them and assumed they were selling something so I said” You have called this number 7 times. Do not call it again” then I hung up. They called right back and said “Do you know who you just hung up on?”. They said they were from the Attorney Generals Office. After a few minutes of not understanding them, they said that were ANDERSON LAW FIRM representing INSTACASH. They said I owed over eleven hunderd dollars to Instacash and I had to fax my cerdit card information along with a notorized letter stating that I authorize the payment and that I will not dispute it. They went as far as telling me word for word what I needed to put in the letter. They said that if they did not receie my payment before tomorrow morning, I would be served papers tomorrow or Monday for three criminal charges including check fraud and my employer would be served with a termination noyice. Later that evening, my fiance called the number and they said they were INSTACASH, which is not who they told me they were. They gave him the information which is illegal for a real company to do, and said “We will see you in court”. I googled the company name and the phone number. The phone number is not only a cell phone, but it is also a California area code. I live in Illinois.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Roger
Company: InstaCash
Number: 619-865-4542