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Not A Victim - 09-04-2014

This is a scam. By law they must notify you on request of the debt in writing by mail. They would not give me their address and refused to send me validation of the debt in writing.
Validation is required by law, and should include within 5 days of the request from you:
amount owed
address and name of creditor
how to proceed if you don't owe the debt.

When I asked for these things they became irriteted and said they would issue a warrent for my arrest, which is illegal as well. No one is arrested in the United States for debt. They can file a civil suit, but you will not be arrested if you owe any debt.

Don't fall for this. It's a scam to scare you into paying someone money you don't owe.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Amy LaSalle probably not her real name
Company: Legal Outsourcing
Number: 678-825-3235