The Nevada phone number 702-776-8353 is a telemarketing service selling extended warranty service. They are calling cell phone, work phone, and home phone numbers, many of which are on the do not call registry.
If the Nevada group is able to successfully reach you and caputre your interest, they will transfer you to our company in St. Louis called Integrity Auto Shield, 877-843-4202.
Although Integrity Auto Shield is a legitimate warranty brokerage, the telemarketing firm in Nevada is not. Please call us immediately at 877-843-4202 if you if you are on the do not call list and received a call from 702-776-8353.
I am affiliated with this group.
The Nevada phone number 702-776-8353 is a telemarketing service selling extended warranty service. They are calling cell phone, work phone, and home phone numbers, many of which are on the do not call registry.
If the Nevada group is able to successfully reach you and caputre your interest, they will transfer you to our company in St. Louis called Integrity Auto Shield, 877-843-4202.
Although Integrity Auto Shield is a legitimate warranty brokerage, the telemarketing firm in Nevada is not. Please call us immediately at 877-843-4202 if you if you are on the do not call list and received a call from 702-776-8353.
Number: 702-776-8353