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712-221-2637 > New Comment

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Nicole - 11-25-2015

I received a call from Iowa yesterday afternoon. Judith Crosby left me a voice-mail with pre-trial intervention stating I had a pending case in her office. She should said, I have up to 5:00pm to callback before my case would be submitted. I called back and Attorney Paul Davis from investigation picked up the phone. He started yelling at me, saying I did bank fraud, check fraud. It was a class 3 felony. He said I had either two options give a statement or pay 1100 of restitution. I asked him to send me verification of proof. He said he didn't have anything to prove then hung up on me. I called back asked him where he was located and he said Idaho then Iowa. I was threatened with having my case submitted to the attorney general office of NY and having arrest warrant issued and being picked up. Then I was told I can go and post bond to get out of jail and go in front of a Judge and try to prove myself. I'm very sad and disgusted. So I went researching through the Internet and did not come up with Goldstein & Associates. I could not find Attorney Paul Davis. I looked up the business number and it was a Verizon cellphone number. I'm very scared as a unhealthy woman this man put me through unnecessary stress yesterday. He had all my information. So I know for a fact my identity has been stolen. I wanted to put my story out there because this is completely wrong. You do not hurt people this way.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: paul davis
Company: Goldstein Associates
Number: 712-221-2637