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716-372-8969 > New Comment

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Al - 10-10-2014

I received a call from 716-372-8969. They said that they were from AT&T and that I have a virus on my computer. They tried to get information from me and said that they would remove it. The person talked with a strong accent and tried to convince me that I had a virus. I told him that I wasn't having computer problems and hung up the phone. I also blocked the number. Then I started receiving calls from "Unknown Numbers" I also blocked those calls. I later got a call from 254-784-5226. Again it was a person with a strong accent who said that he was calling from AT&T. He tried to convince me that I had a computer virus. I hung up and blocked that number too. I should note that the person on the other end of the call did know my name when they called. I contacted AT&T and they didn't know anything about the calls.

Caller type: Scammer
Company: AT T
Number: 716-372-8969