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Gwen Campbell - 04-09-2012

On 4/9/2012, I received a voicemail message from someone claiming to be named John Smith. I could not understand the voicemail because the guy apparently didn't speak English very well. I did understand that he said that the information was time sensitive and that I needed to get into contact with him immediately and something about retaining an attorney. I tried calling the number back to find out what this was all about but the call would not go thru. it kept hanging up after 1 ring. I then called from a landline phone and was able to reach another guy claming to be named David Cooper with some firm having to do with the Federal government. He then read off to me some "affidavit" indicating that Federal criminal charges were brought against me in connection to Payday Loan fraud. That a payday loan was applied for online with my email address and the funds were deposited into PNC bank account but when they trued to electronically debit the payment from my account, the funds weren't there. I advised him that I had not received any funds whatsoever from any payday loan. I asked him when this supposedly occurred an he stated they tried to do the elctronic debit from my account on 2/20/12. I again stated that no such transaction has ever taken place and who they claim to have as my employer where they are supposedly sending the sherrifs to is outdated. Mr Cooper stated that I will be arrested as of 1:30 pm today and if I dispute the charges, I can take it up with the sherrif when they come to get me then he hung up on me.

Caller type: Other
Caller: John Smith
Number: 760-269-4211