It is a ROBOCALL- A telemarking trick trying to get money from you. If you answer and their system hears a human voice it will then transfer you to a person who will then try to get money out of you. The will say it is for extra insurance on automobiles you might have owned. DO NOT TAKE OR LISTEN. IT IS A SCAM! DO NOT GIVE MONEY!! YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR MONEY AGAIN! Reject this phone number from your phone.
It is a ROBOCALL- A telemarking trick trying to get money from you. If you answer and their system hears a human voice it will then transfer you to a person who will then try to get money out of you. The will say it is for extra insurance on automobiles you might have owned. DO NOT TAKE OR LISTEN. IT IS A SCAM! DO NOT GIVE MONEY!! YOU WILL NEVER SEE YOUR MONEY AGAIN! Reject this phone number from your phone.
Number: 770-870-1059