Here is the scoop on these assholes. The company name is Affirm Direct. Their address is:
443 Irving Drive Burbank
CA 91504-2447
Their real phone number is: (818) 842-9046
If everyone on this list will call these assholes during their business hours and just do to them what they do to us, don't say anything just hang on until they hang up. Do like I do on this. Call them 2-3 times EVERY SINGLE DAY. Put this number on SPEED dial on your phone and use it until they have to change THEIR phone number.
Here is a description of them:
Here is the scoop on these assholes. The company name is Affirm Direct. Their address is:
443 Irving Drive Burbank
CA 91504-2447
Their real phone number is: (818) 842-9046
If everyone on this list will call these assholes during their business hours and just do to them what they do to us, don't say anything just hang on until they hang up. Do like I do on this. Call them 2-3 times EVERY SINGLE DAY. Put this number on SPEED dial on your phone and use it until they have to change THEIR phone number.
Here is a description of them:
Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Affirm Direct Inc
Number: 818-533-8980