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844-334-9513 > New Comment

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Annoyed - 04-08-2016

I got a call from 844-334-9513 a few hours ago but the caller ID was blocked so I didn't answer. They did leave a message asking me to call "that department" back within 24 hours and they also provided me with a case number becaus "there is an active case against me". The voice said that if I didn't call back within 24 hours they were going to "serve" me.
The message started being cut off as if they started the recording before my VM picked up. The first thing I heard was "McDean" as if someone was announcing himself or the company. Otherwise no identifying info was provided.
There were 3 things that tipped me off that this was a scam call:
1. They said I would be served in 24 hours if I didn't return the call. Trust me, no one is ever tipped off that they are going to be served because that makes the process so much harder.
2. I have 24 hours to return the call. This call came in on a Friday and no legitimate firms work on Saturday, so the 24 hour threat was weak at best.
3. The most disturbing: I know I kept referring to myself as the person who was being the subject of the call. However the caller obviously had my phone number but addtessed me by my former boyfriend's name, whom I literally haven't seen in about 20 years and lives on the other side of the United States. We do talk a few times a year so I wonder if his phone book was somehow phished, but still I don't know why they called my phone number and talked to me as if I were him.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Possibly McDean but thats probably fake
Company: Didnt give a company name
Number: 844-334-9513