got a call at work about a payday loan debt .. says they tried to serve me papers at my home.. and will try to serve me papers at my job... i told the person on the phone that I had 3 payday loans and i included all 3 in a recent ch 13 bankruptcy... he says the payday loan can not be included in a bankruptcy.. and he also couldnt give me the name of the payday loan company I supposedly took the loan out from.. therefore i believe this to be a scam... he culdnt tell me the name of the company he was calling from nor the name of the company that is trying to supposdly serve me... and he called from a 314 -627-0868 telephone number which is local.. however the voice mail said to call 844 636 5431
got a call at work about a payday loan debt .. says they tried to serve me papers at my home.. and will try to serve me papers at my job... i told the person on the phone that I had 3 payday loans and i included all 3 in a recent ch 13 bankruptcy... he says the payday loan can not be included in a bankruptcy.. and he also couldnt give me the name of the payday loan company I supposedly took the loan out from.. therefore i believe this to be a scam... he culdnt tell me the name of the company he was calling from nor the name of the company that is trying to supposdly serve me... and he called from a 314 -627-0868 telephone number which is local.. however the voice mail said to call 844 636 5431
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 844-636-5431