debt has gotten so large you can no longer afford to pay it, negotiating a debt cancellation with your lender might be just what you need in order to get by. Unfortunately, your next challenge might be a huge tax bill. In most situations, if you receive a Form 1099-C from a lender, you'll have to report the amount on that form to the Internal Revenue Service as taxable income. Certain exceptions do apply.
debt has gotten so large you can no longer afford to pay it, negotiating a debt cancellation with your lender might be just what you need in order to get by. Unfortunately, your next challenge might be a huge tax bill. In most situations, if you receive a Form 1099-C from a lender, you'll have to report the amount on that form to the Internal Revenue Service as taxable income. Certain exceptions do apply.
Caller: JOSEP
Company: integrity
Number: 844-715-5938