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855-201-2948 > New Comment

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michele - 09-09-2015

My brother-in-law first received a call from someone claiming to be a process server and that he had been named as a co-defendant in a lawsuit that I was party to. When I called them back, all they would tell me was the company name was ARA and that there is a complaint against me by Sunbank for hot check (which would be in the prosecutor's office, not coming through a private party). I have been a paralegal for over 10 years and when I tried to explain what service of process meant, asked for the county where the case was filed, case number, etc., he said well it was service of process to try to verify my address. Then when I tried to explain that wasn't service of process he hung up on me.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Alexander
Company: ARA
Number: 855-201-2948