This company calls you and tells you that you take out an online loan and that you must settle for half the loan amount or go to court. When you try to get information from them about the attorneys the name of the company what its in regards to the yell at you hang up on you and refuse to give information. These are a bunch of pimps and scammers,they yell they are very rude and disrespectful
This company calls you and tells you that you take out an online loan and that you must settle for half the loan amount or go to court. When you try to get information from them about the attorneys the name of the company what its in regards to the yell at you hang up on you and refuse to give information. These are a bunch of pimps and scammers,they yell they are very rude and disrespectful
Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: 855-283-8818
Number: 855-283-8818