advertises "find our who your next lover will be" or some other inane ad. if you click on it, it will begin sending a barrage of harassing sms texts. after a few, it shows you how to stop them, but replies that "no more messages will be sent and the $9.99 mnthly charge will no longer be in effect". NOTE: contract law requires there to be an agreement and terms must be spelled out before the agreement. this is null as a contract.
advertises "find our who your next lover will be" or some other inane ad. if you click on it, it will begin sending a barrage of harassing sms texts. after a few, it shows you how to stop them, but replies that "no more messages will be sent and the $9.99 mnthly charge will no longer be in effect". NOTE: contract law requires there to be an agreement and terms must be spelled out before the agreement. this is null as a contract.
Caller type: Other
Company: lovemeterus or 8663769281info
Number: 866-376-9281