Do not let debt collectors harass you. You have rights. We sue abusive debt collectors who violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and make them pay you money. We handle the cases on a contingency basis.
Record all telephone conversations that you have with debt collectors. Take detail notes of any telephone conversations that you have with debt collectors. Save all voice mails that you receive from debt collectors. Save all letters that you receive from debt collectors.
Do not let debt collectors harass you. You have rights. We sue abusive debt collectors who violate the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and make them pay you money. We handle the cases on a contingency basis.
Record all telephone conversations that you have with debt collectors. Take detail notes of any telephone conversations that you have with debt collectors. Save all voice mails that you receive from debt collectors. Save all letters that you receive from debt collectors.
Call Marso and Michelson, P.A. at 612-821-4817.
Number: 866-479-7925