This number is a company that claims they can give you a lower interest rate on your credit cards. This is a scam company!! Any questions asked not pertaining to your personal information or credit card information will not be answered and you will be hung up on. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM!!! If you call the number back it will state that it is a number that has been disconnect or is not a working number. If anyone gets any information from them please report them to the authorities
This number is a company that claims they can give you a lower interest rate on your credit cards. This is a scam company!! Any questions asked not pertaining to your personal information or credit card information will not be answered and you will be hung up on. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM!!! If you call the number back it will state that it is a number that has been disconnect or is not a working number. If anyone gets any information from them please report them to the authorities
Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Rachel auto system
Company: Card Holder Services
Number: 870-785-6958