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877-329-7461 > New Comment

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James L Miller - 07-26-2010

They are from Drive Time. Reply to them with a written message like I did. "You have been harassing me with phone calls but now have switched to asking for my wife Antonia. As neither one of us has co-signed on any loan, you have no right to contact us. Please cease and desist with this operation immediately. James L. Miller" As long as you write to them they can't legally harass you any more. Then contact your state's Attorney General either by phone or on-line about these people. Let's try and put these bums out of business. I am going to see if the Arizona State Attorney General can put them out of business or at least get them to lower the interest rates on their loans. These people solve no problem in our society. They only add to the debt that American people are forced to put up with because they charge such an exorbitant rate of interest.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Drive Time
Company: Drive Time
Number: 877-329-7461