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877-344-7592 > New Comment

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Jason - 12-17-2015

"This message is regarding our location and tracing efforts for "NAME OF SOMEONE YOU KNOW". It is important that we speak with you in regards to their whereabouts. If we cannot verify this information through you, the law allows us to contact all references on file. Dial 0 now to speak with a representative or call (877) 344-7592. If you are unable to provide any information, please contact us regardless at (877) 344-7592. Thank you."

No way I would ever call this number back from my own line. I Googled the message content and found that the phone number changes frequently while the message itself is the same. Evidently it's a debt collection agency, and they allegedly call demanding payment from people who don't even owe the debts this company claims.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Number: 877-344-7592