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Amy - 10-05-2013

I received a phone call yesterday morning from a James McCloud stating he was a investigator coming to my home to serve me with papers, and if i had any questions to call the legal office at this number. So i called and got a Mrs. Sanford, she told me i was being charged with 2 counts of bank fraud with malicious intent. They said i took a cash asap loan out, and made 3 on time payments and on the final 4th one i closed out my bank account so they couldnt receive there final payment...i am 34 years old and have had the same bank account since i was 19. so i know this wasnt true. she gave me dates of the payments that went threw, i in turned called my banker and she looked it up and there was NOTHING that went along with this ladies story, so i nicely called her back and said i think you may have the wrong person cause my bank has no statement with these dates saying i even made ANY payments then she says OOO i gave you the wrong dates, so i call banker back have her verify new dates and of coarse NOTHING so when i call mrs sanford back she basically just tells me everythings fine, i tell her that i want her to send me a letter of validation of the debt which she in turn responds "oh you dont need one of those" so i tell her i cant pay the debt without some kind of proof that the debt is actually mine she says "thats fine, have a nice day" lol i really hope people do there research before doin transactions over the phone

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: James McCloud Mrs Sanford
Company: EW Pendleton and Assoc
Number: 877-513-3996