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877-552-5904 > New Comment

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Beth - 06-02-2011

A Page Gibson called my mother telling her she had some personal information for me. She gave my mother my address and an old phone number that had been disconnected. My mother said she was extremely sweet and very sing-songy. She kept assuring my mother I would want her to get in contact with me. My mother told her she needed more information but she refused to give any more information. My mother took down her phone number and extension (54634). My parents live in another state and have a different last name. I believe this number belongs to a skip tracer for a collection company. We dealt with one before for in-laws. They will try anything to get your number and continue calling family and even neighbors to try and get your number.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: Page Gibson
Company: Skip Tracer
Number: 877-552-5904