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877-602-7498 > New Comment

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Internet Service - 09-11-2014

I called to set up AT&T internet service, not knowing that this company is not AT&T (nor have I verified that they are a vendor of AT&T services). They took my ssn for a credit check. Then sent me an email with a with a non-AT&T confirmation number. When I called to get an account number I got 3 different acct numbers the 3 times I requested one.

STAY AWAY from this company!

DO NOT CALL FOR INTERNET SERVICE: +1 877-602-7498 or 888-573-4107 or +1-855-539-9648.


Caller type: Other
Caller: Mike John Jodie Michael Scammers
Company: Clear Link they call themselves ATT
Number: 877-602-7498