This is an illegal online payday loan lender that never was paid back in full. Their interest rate was over 1000% annually and I could. It afford it. Now they call family and friends threatening legal charges of fraud. I verified with my attorney that these loans are illegal and uncollectable. These telemarketers try to use threats and intimidation to get people to pay on these uncollectable debts.
This is an illegal online payday loan lender that never was paid back in full. Their interest rate was over 1000% annually and I could. It afford it. Now they call family and friends threatening legal charges of fraud. I verified with my attorney that these loans are illegal and uncollectable. These telemarketers try to use threats and intimidation to get people to pay on these uncollectable debts.
Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: Western legal
Number: 888-209-2645