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888-278-8565 > New Comment

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READ THIS - 03-14-2014

Another scumbag collection agency illegally telling people they are in trouble and are about to be sued. THIS IS ILLEGAL.
Auto-dialed calls violate the TCPA. 3rd party debt collectors cannot sue. This threat violates the FDCPA
Arbitration Resolution Solutions 9070 Lake Carleton DR St Petersburg, FL 33706 Fax 206-971-6474

3482 Lake Clarion Drive St. Petersburg, FL is the other address. Same zipcode.

Fax them a cease and deist letter. Their auto-dialed calls are a violation of the telephone consumer protection act.
If you want to have a little fun and have the spare time, sue them locally for violation of that law.

888-794-2763 Is the number you can also always get an actual person to answer. That way you can call and harrass them as much as you want to.
It will clog up their call center and anger them greatly.

Have fun!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Caller: John Spencers recorded voice
Company: Arbitration resolution
Number: 888-278-8565