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888-899-4510 > New Comment

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Ronin - 09-10-2013

This is the same SCAM artists as 888-899-4510, 800-997-6911, 800-381-3312, 888-295-4951, 888-941-5230, 866-848-5577 and 888-446-6136! Received a fraudulent postal mailing with NO return address. Just shows a stamp as PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL, U.S. POSTAGE PAID, SACRAMENTO, CA, PERMIT NO. 1297. Looks like an official bill from the DMV or IRS, but it's NOT. On the front, it states : 2013 - Important Notice - Benefits Number : CTC####### - You have been pre-approved for a Credit Card Hardship Program. You need to contact Customer Service at 1-888-899-4510 no later than 10/11/2013 to take advantage of Our ZERO UP-FRONT FEES DEBT REDUCTION PROGRAM. Do not hesitate and call now before your pre approval status expires. FAILURE TO RESPOND BEFORE 10/11/2013 MAY AFFECT THE AMOUNT OF DEBT REDUCED.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: Unidentified
Company: Credit Card Hardship Program
Number: 888-899-4510