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888-986-8256 > New Comment

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kathy - 10-22-2013

I am a former employer of this company.. and I really mean FORMER. It has been 10+ yrs since I have worked there. The "Real" name of this company is National Protection Service. The physical address of this company is 393 Mantoloking Rd. Brick NJ 08723 . Phone number is (732) 262-7780 The owner is David Gartenberg, I also believe his son, Evan Gartenberg is now an owner. Carla Maxwell, is the sales manager, and yes it is true, she is extremely rude and uncaring. This company has been in business for well over 20 years.FYI.. anytime you buy ANYTHING for a company, sight unseen, the US law REQUIRES a 30 day money back guarantee. This is the main reason for their 30 day waiting period before you are actually able to use the warranty.

Caller type: Telemarketer
Company: National Protection Service
Number: 888-986-8256