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917-284-9832 > New Comment

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Latanya - 10-06-2011

one guy goes by the name of mike foster and the other carl miller claims that I owe money from a non existing loan that I've never recieved with a thick heavy indian accent they say that I dhould send the money through money gram if I don't want them to send any documents to court I've check my credit with trans union and experian and I don't even of my them down at all stating that I owe anyone from there company any money a couple of people I know say that these are scammers they will us the number I just showed they will try to use your own job or home number to try to get in contact with you with out you knowing I mean this is very crazy they are even very rude and nasty on the phone saying things they do not need to be saying that is very nasty they need to be looked into.

Caller type: Scammer
Caller: mike foster and carl miller
Company: crime investigation unit
Number: 917-284-9832