I applied to many ads on Craigslist. I received a three part text message from phone# 925-885-7287. The first asked if I was "My name" as stated on my resume. I reversed looked up the number and get Oakland, CA, USA. I'm located in Nevada. One reverse lookup claims a land line and another an internet service provider phone. The two part portion stated that this person's name was John E. Lindblom from Ramsey Health Care (which is an Australian Health Care firm) stating I was qualified and to contact him if interested. I have no idea what the eventual scam aim was as I did not reply. --- Be aware and stay safe.
I applied to many ads on Craigslist. I received a three part text message from phone# 925-885-7287. The first asked if I was "My name" as stated on my resume. I reversed looked up the number and get Oakland, CA, USA. I'm located in Nevada. One reverse lookup claims a land line and another an internet service provider phone. The two part portion stated that this person's name was John E. Lindblom from Ramsey Health Care (which is an Australian Health Care firm) stating I was qualified and to contact him if interested. I have no idea what the eventual scam aim was as I did not reply. --- Be aware and stay safe.
Caller type: Scammer
Number: 925-885-7287