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Janet - 11-21-2012

Got the call back from this number for a "PR" job posting I responded to. However, it's for a well known modeling agency (Barbizon), but the job is not PR/Marketing, it's SALES. As in finding kids and teens at malls and "scouting" them, well, actually trying to push them into buying photos and acting & modeling classes. I am really mad and disappointed because they promised me it was a real marketing position. However, I drove all the way out there only to find out they wanted me to do hard and aggressive sales. Walk up to strangers at a mall, even telling people who are not very good looking that they are, all to sell acting and modeling packages. SO LAME. I will post this everywhere I can to make sure others do not get their hopes up thinking this is a real PR job.

Caller type: Other
Caller: Joy
Company: Job scamBarbizon
Number: 949-262-1755