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952-358-5710 > New Comment

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annoy - 01-27-2010

GEESE - really? these people have nothing better to do. i REFUSE to pay for something that i've already discussed with T-Mobile. I shut my phone off in August of 2009 [i had 2 lines, the 1st line i had transfered, the 2nd i asked to be cut off...] i got a bill in December 2009, saying we owe 800+ dollars!?! it was supposed to be shut off, long ago & they were charging us for each month, but we never used the other line & they can see the history! these people are getting to the point of harrassing. i'll pay the cancellation fees $400 dollars; but as far as paying the entire amount when there "customer service reps" have no idea what there doing, that's not my issue!

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: Tmobile collectors
Number: 952-358-5710