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954-492-1645 > New Comment

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Austin - 08-03-2011

954-492-1645 - This number is being used for telemarketing and fund raising by the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation National Headquarters in Southeast Florida. The fact that this organization is using unscrupulous telemarketing methods, and has no regard for the fact that the recipients of their calls are on the “Do-Not-Call” list, has been well documented by the frustrated call recipients on blogs throughout the internet; a simple Google search of this number will reveal the number of frustrated households who have been harassed by this organization over-and-over again. The fact that this organization would use this type of telemarketing scam leads me to believe that it is just another “not-for-profit-front” organization that lives in a tax-free environment solely for the benefit of its executives….. I would not be at all surprised if this was just another front that collects money on the pretext of being a charity, but after the “administrative expenses” necessary to provide comfortable offices, great benefits and high salaries to their “staff”, only passes a very small fraction of donations collected through to actual researchers or programs to assist people with this disease. Do NOT give these people any of your hard-earned money. It also would appear that the people this organization has hired to make these harassing calls have found a way to dupe their employer….. It seems that this organization must be paying these “telemarketers” some sort of bonus for making a quota of “completed calls”, because they keep calling and calling the same number once they find a number where someone will actually pick up the phone, or a voice mail will answer, in order to inflate their “successful contact” list. Many times after the initial contact, they don’t even bother staying on the phone or saying anything when the phone is answered…they just hang up, presumably because the call-tracking computer has already logged a “successful contact”.

Here is one of the adds this organization posted on the Internet in order to find people to conduct this harassment:

Find Jobs - TELEPHONE CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISERS $9-$15 / hr GUARANTEED ... - Cached -Block all results
Jul 7, 2011 – 954-492-1645. Ref ID: sf009353. Description TELEPHONE CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISERS $9-$15 / hr GUARANTEED Make money & make a difference! ...

Caller type: Telemarketer
Number: 954-492-1645