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Continued Kind Sir - 06-28-2012

Continued explination - There are also "non-victims." Anyone who agrees to cash the instruments on behalf of a foreign citizen and keep a portion for themselves are not victims, they are accomplices. Why Postal Money Orders? Americans trust the U.S. Postal Service and the security provided by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Consumers often believe, incorrectly, that postal money orders and cashier's checks are "good" if they're cashed by a bank and are not subject to recourse. This is not true. Postal Money Order Security Features
Similar to U.S. currency, postal money orders are designed with colored inks, watermarks, and security threads. Become familiar with the security features of genuine postal money orders:
·Watermarks of Benjamin Franklin, visible when held to the light, run through the white oval on the left front side of the money order. Watermarks are also visible from the reverse side.
·A dark security thread runs from top to bottom to the right of the Franklin watermarks. When held to the light, the thread reveals the microprinted letters "USPS" alternating right-side up and upside down throughout the thread. The letters are not visible if not held to the light. Additional features you should be aware of: Warning instructions are printed on the reverse of postal money orders.
·Denominations are displayed in two locations, on the front, with no discoloration around the dollar amounts (discoloration may indicate alteration). Maximum value of $1,000 on domestic/$700 on international postal money orders.
Where the Counterfeits Come From Most counterfeits originate overseas. They're produced by an off-set printing process, which creates a document with an authentic appearance. However, fraudsters can't replicate the security features of genuine postal money orders. Money Order Fraud Hot Line, run by the Inspection Service's Criminal Investigative Support Center, at (800) 372-8347.

Caller: Deana Lewis Sanders
Number: 971-248-0524