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972-185-6355 > New Comment

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Mike - 01-28-2014

Call constantly even after being warned to stop. I get that they can take you to court if you tell them to stop. So take me to court. Im broke due to terminal illness, on hospice with Parkinsons disease and a vile case of Genetic Hemocromotosis, and live in a shed on a family members property, but they continue to call thier home asking for me even though they know I dont actually live there. AT one point they even left a message saying it vital that I contact them as they were getting a "judgement against me and wanted to advise of a court date"..had my son in tears afraid I was going to jail on top of being terminally sick. For God's sake get a judgement if it makes you feel better, but let a man die in peace. Call after 9 pm and before 8 Am regularly. I get the "pay your bills thing", I would if I could and dont need that lecture, I get it from them enough- I did it all my life as Marine and former firefighter until falling ill, The debt is medical bills, not cars stereos, vacations or luxuries. At this point, its pure harassment for harassments sake. My son's mother comes out and tells me they have called sometimes 5-6 times a day leaving messages about the debt. Theyve been told to stop several times. Im not there, Im in a storage building hooked to IV's. I have nothing to give them, and I be on the street dying if the ex werent kind enough to let me stay on the property and provide power for a space heater and a/c in the shed. I feel bad that shes now harrassed by these people endlessly. Changing her number would require alot of work given she uses it as a emergency number for a job that requires 24 hrs availability...would require all kinds of paperwork and approvals by military. These people are shameless.

Caller type: Collection Agency
Company: NCO Finanacial services
Number: 972-185-6355